Saturday, January 26, 2013

It Ain't Easy! But Nothing Worth Having Ever is!

         It's been a while since I posted  but later you will see why.  The last time I wrote I was nervous over my application that I sent in to register my dream, CupCake Luna, as an LLC.  Well weeks have passed and I am so happy to announce that I was approved and now have in my possession my Certificate.  A step closer to my dream.

          Yet another step... On the weekend of December 16th I was approved as a vendor at a new Farmers market that opened up just 10 minutes away from my home.  I had tried weeks earlier but she was not accepting any new "cupcake" vendors as she had 2 active, 1 on the way and 1 on a
waiting list.  Farmers markets from what i can tell are not big on too ,much competition for their
vendors so I understood why she didn't accept me right away.  Instead of letting this defeat me I just
thought, well let me come up with something new, not available at this market.

Oh yeah I forgot to mention that I did a little "research" at the FM.  Dressed as just a regular patron : P

I shopped around to check out the "competition" as well as to see if it had a good amount of traffic.

      So what I found was two vendors, who sold regular cupcakes and one also sold cookies.  So
determined to be accepted without a waiting list I started brainstorming   They required photos of my
products with the application so I got to work.  I made cake shooters, cake in jars and pies.  I emailed
the lady in charge and explained that although I was a cupcake company that I wanted to showcase
my other products at the market. I sent her all my photos and paper work and right away she accepted me! She loved the photos and was excited about the new products. I got to work... bought the tent,
chairs, table, displays, banners and signs.  I already envisioned how my tent would look, how the
table displays would be full of bright Christmas themes, and the displays would vary in size and
height. I wanted people drawn to the tent, to stand out and have their curiosity pull them towards me.

But God had different plans for me that day.  I was battleling a cold all that week, I prayed that I would wake up fine on Saturday so I could spend the day baking and sell on Sunday.  Saturday morning arrived and me and my youngest were still sick, I had to cancel. 
Sunday feeling better I realized my daughter was way too weak for a simple cold and I rushed her to the ER.  As I explained her symptoms they ordered a blood sugar test and it confirmed their 
suspicions. My baby had a blood sugar level of 800! Most people go into a diabetic coma at 600, so 
this was truly a miracle, God was protecting her from Brain damage or even worse, death. 
She made it just find but now my 6 year old daughter was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. 

My world crashed, a surge of confusion, pain, anguish and guilt overwhelmed me.  I had to now put my dreams aside and focus on my little girl and learning all I had to, to keep her alive and living a healthy life with her now insulin dependency.  So that's what I have been up to since my last post. In 
this time I have had so much to think about, how can I alter my dream to help others with this condition or others. I also did a juice fasting which led me to become a vegeterian.  It's made me be more aware if what I feed my family and what I want to offer my customers, a healthier choice. So  I am now focusing on learning as much as I can about vegan and gluten-free baking. I will still offer my other treats just with a better healthier variety of ingredients.  I purchased this book to help me get started and familiar with the vegan way.

So stick around, this journey isn't over yet! The only failure is in giving up! It's not how many times you fall down but how you get back up each time and that should always be stronger and wiser. I do believe that good comes out of bad things but only if you BELIEVE in Him! And trust Him fully even when things are not going as planned!